Am I not evolving?
With Christmas just a few days away and a new year around the corner, many would start to think about what they have achieved and what they hope to achieve in the coming year. I am no different as I start to look back and see how well or how badly I have fared.
I would consider 2007 as a good year for me especially on career wise. No no.. I did not get a promotion or a big increment. Instead, I got employed again after being jobless for a few months in 2006 when I decided to quit "hell" without a backup plan.
Being jobless when you are poor is never an enjoyable thing. You keep dreading that you won't be able to get something soon and wonder what to do when your puny savings run out. Also if anything catastrophic happens to you during this period of time, you will end up in the newspaper as "the unemployed man".
So 2007 is much better as compared to 2006. At least I do not have to worry about when my next paycheck is coming... although I still have the challenge of balancing my checkbook.
Anyhow, there is always the dissatisfaction. There is this voice at the back of my head which always tell me that I am not where I should be. It whispers to me that I shouldn't STILL be struggling over financial matters. The feelings from this really bother me. I feel so underachieved!
All these feelings would put questions in my head. Am I doing something that is leading nowhere? Am I in a wrong industry? Am I lacking those qualities to be successful? Am I not "evolving"?... many many such questions remain unanswered.
I realise these questions do not get me anywhere. I need to just chill out, do the best I can and let things take care of themselves. It's better than feeling sorry for myself and doing nothing about it.
So for my new year resolution, I will only go with one. COUNT MY OWN BLESSINGS. I should be happy with whatever I have now, while striving for something better. I remember a saying that goes something like this: Try to change the things that you can; but if it's not within your means, then learn to change yourself to accept them. I will start by doing something small - to resume reading "100 Ways to Motivate Yourself" by Steve Chandler. I bought this book a year ago and have only reached chapter 31 of 100. I am not sure how much motivational books can help. I have a few in the past, none which I finished reading.
Hmm...maybe thats why!