Good Boss, Bad Boss
On my way back last night, I talked to an ex-colleague who has recently resigned from my previous company. There seemed to be quite a number of resignations in that company for the last few months.
While talking to him, my thoughts went from my previous boss to all other bosses that I have worked with before. In my whole 12 years of working, I have indeed came across many different types of bosses. Some of them I rather forget; and some who will stay in my "Respected" list for a long long time.
So what contributes to good bosses and bad bosses? To me, these are the list of characteristics:
Good Boss
- Has a clear objective and goals in mind
- Calm and collective
- Provides clear and concise instructions and guidance
- Asks and takes into consideration of your opinions
- Motivates and inspires you
- Provides good working environment
- Understands your strengths and weaknesses... and develops you into a better person, a better employee
- Sees and respects you as part of the team...and as a human being
- Looks after your welfare in the company
- Show genuine interest in developing your career path
- Treats you as an asset of the company
Bad Boss
- Paranoid and oversensitive
- Thinks intimidation is the best way to lead a team
- Does not know what he/she actually wants
- Thinks that if the company is paying you, then the company owns you
- Creates unnecessary office politics to hide own insecurities
- Take things personally... and make things hard for you just to get back at you
- Gives empty promises
- Does not give shit to what you have to say...just do as what he/she "ordered"
- Thinks that they know everything; and that the people reporting to them are idiots
- Treats you as a highly dispensable item in the company... and constantly reminding you of that if you ever challenge him/her in anyway
I am sure the list goes on and on...especially on the bad boss side. You have anything to add?