Friday, April 10, 2009

Moving On

I tendered my resignation with my current company yesterday.

If you have been following my blog, you would know that my job scope was recently changed to fulltime technical support, something which I really dislike. So with that, I looked elsewhere and managed to get a job with a huge MNC. I will be joining them in a few months' time after I have served my notice here.

A few of my colleagues asked me how I felt after tendering my letter. I guess they were expecting me to say that I was ecstatic to be out of here soon. Well, in a way it's true.... in a way, it's not.

You see, I have a good boss and a bunch of great colleagues here. The working environment is also good. What I could not stand is the new job scope that I need to take up. There is no negotiation on this part as it is a company re-org move.

Besides that with the current economic situation, there is always a risk when changing jobs.

However after doing my "research" and asking around friends who are working in my new company, it does appear to be stable. So I would think that I am taking a calculative risk in accepting this offer to move on. I do foresee that I'll have much better career advancement in the new place than in my current one.

So back to my feelings. Am I ecstatic? Hmm...maybe "ecstatic" is a too strong word to use. I am very excited to be a part of this major MNC though... as I am sure I will be learning a lot from it. At the same time, I do feel sad leaving my current boss and colleagues. I do hope I will be able to find such level of teamwork in my new working environment. Besides that, I am also a bit nervous thinking about the new place and people, on whether I can fit in or not.

It's all really a mixture of different emotions right now.

Anyhow as I have made this decision, I will just be positive and hope for the best. I am very sure this is the right move.

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