Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bangkok Trip - Ocean World

My flight back from Bangkok to KL was at around 5pm on Monday. So I had the first half of the day to spend. My destination - Siam Paragon. Siam Paragon is one of the newer and bigger shopping complexes in Bangkok. I seemed to think that it is much better as compared to our own KLCC.

Like KLCC, there is an aquaria at the lowest floor of Siam Paragon. It cost 450baht (~RM45) for an adult entry. Initially I thought it was rather expensive but I later found out that it was worth it. The aquaria was really impressive... better than the one in KLCC and better than the one I visited in Singapore.

I spent almost 1.5 hours in there. There were just so many things to see. They actually did up a rainforest in there but as the ambience was dark and my camera was a bit mediocre, I could not get any good pictures of the setup.

There were the weird looking animals:

Garden Eel


Dunno what's the name for this fish... but it looks prehistoric

There were the pretty looking ones:

Scorpion Fish

There were also water rats on display and they are huge! Their size was like a small dog.

There was this huge tank with turtles as well. The turtle below seemed to pose for me as it stayed very still while I snapped the picture.

How come there was a car in the middle of the aquaria? As I moved closer, I saw that the whole car was a fish tank!! Cool!!!

What about a washing machine as a fish tank??

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