Sunday, March 2, 2008

First Time in a Wedding Dinner

I just came back from a wedding dinner. No, don't get misled by the title of this post. This is definitely NOT my first time in a wedding dinner. However the following are indeed the first that I have experienced in any wedding dinners before:

It's the first time in a wedding dinner where I got asked "What happened to your hair?!!" at least 5 times within half an hour. These were from ex-colleagues whom I haven't seen for the past 6 years.
It's the first time in a wedding dinner where I did not know where I should be sitting. You see, it's supposed to be a poolside buffet dinner but it rained. Due to the rain, the table that we were assigned to cannot be seated. No one was there to inform us what we should do and where we should sit. Ended sitting and eating at the reception couch.
It's the first time in a wedding dinner where there seemed to be food rationing. There were only 5 buffet trays of food. There were these servers scooping the food for you... you know like in a hostel or a prison. No asking extra is in Oliver Twist. Even if you did, you would not get it.
It's the first time in a wedding dinner where I stayed less than 2 hours. I reached there at 7.00pm, started to queue for food around 8.00pm, got my food around 8.10pm, finally found a place to sit and eat at 8.15pm and left at 8.30pm.

Geez, now that I have finally gotten over my shock, I am sensing hunger approaching. Guess I better make myself some Quacker Oats.

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