Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dominoes Effect

Oh wow... recently there's been a few resignations happening one after another in our product group. I have heard of 3, 2 of them being quite close to me. Although they are not from the same team as me, but I do feel sad about them leaving... or was it about me still not getting to leave? Hmm...

That's the thing about resignations. They are like viruses that can be easily passed to people who are around them.

It's like the dominoes effect... when the first piece falls, it will be followed by the next and the next and the next...

Guess this is a nightmare for the managers, as 2 of these people are team leads.

However I sometimes wonder... most companies acknowledged the loss over all these leaving talents and I would assume they have investigated the reasons... but why does it seem that they are doing nothing about it? If they are doing something, then why is it that the rewards for a job well done are still so demotivating, or why managers are still not behaving the way they should?

Oh well... perhaps the weight of "everyone is dispensable" took precedence over the need to retain these talents.

I wonder who will be the next piece to fall...

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