Monday, November 16, 2009

Credit Card Cancellation

With the coming government's implementation of RM50 service charge for every credit card next year, I made the necessary steps to cut down from my 4 personal credit cards to 2 today.

First up is my Citibank Visa Clear card. As I have had this card for ages, I managed to accumulate up to 50,000 points. Not wanting to have these points wasted by cancelling the card straightaway, I redeemed it first for a nice looking laptop bag by calling the Customer Service just now. This will just be perfect for my new Dell laptop which I am praying hard that it will reach me soon.

The bag will take around 3 weeks and I will still get enough time to cancel the card by then.

Then there is my Public Bank Master Card which I have applied solely to get the 0% installment plan (Public Bank called it ZIIP) for my first ever PDA phone, the O2 Mini, also many years ago.

That was the one and only time that I have used that card. During that time, the card came with a 8 years annual fees waiver.

I called up Public Bank's customer service to ask how can I go about canceling the card and after what felt like incubating an egg, someone finally answered my call and told me that I can do so by just emailing them at That's convenient!

I immediately emailed them and I am pretty sure I will be receiving a call from them soon to ask why I want to cancel my card bla bla bla. I would probably tell them to go ask the government.

So what about you? Keeping all the cards?

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