My current laptop, Dell Inspiron 6400 is already more than 3 years old. I bought it via Dell online and I remember the order processing was done very promptly and I got it within a week. I felt that this was very impressive and so, I always have this confidence with Dell's services ... until now.
You see, to make use of the tax relief for computer's purchase (every 3 years), I decided to get a new laptop. Initially wanted to go for a netbook but after getting feedbacks from some people who use them, I deduced that a netbook may not be suitable for me. So I was thinking of smaller screen laptops (13.3 inch). After searching for a while, I decided to go with Dell again based on the pleasant experience I had with them. My eyes were on the Inspiron 13z.

I placed my order online on the 29-Oct and was really excited anticipating for my new toy. Unfortunately that was as far as the excitement go.
After 3 days, I checked my online order status and it was "Order Received". I was supposed to know the delivery date by then, but that wasn't available.
The next day I checked again, and the same screen greeted me. Then again and again.

As you see, there are quite a few processes to go before it's finally delivered to me... and I am not a very patient guy when it comes to my toys. Doesn't help when the status is still stuck at the first process!
What the hell is going on? I am thinking if there is any glitches with my payment of something, they would have called or emailed me, right? So far no news from them and my status is still the same!
I tried calling the Customer Service one working day at 4pm and was told their office hours were closed. I specifically saw this information before:
If you wish to speak to a Customer Care representative for any non-technical matters, please find our contact details and hours of business below.
Singapore : 1800-394-7423 Monday - Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm
Malaysia : 1800-88-0990 Monday - Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm
Australia: 1 333 55 Monday - Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm EST
New Zealand: 0800 775 771 Monday - Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm EST
Is Dell running like our government offices nowadays???
What is happening to Dell? I thought they have the reputation of providing good services before and after the sale. Apparently that has been going downhill.
This is really disappointing. All this frustration in waiting is really killing my excitement.