Thursday, May 28, 2009

Friendships and cubicle

This week is my last working week with my current company. I have started to pack my stuff bits by bits since the beginning of the week. I have re-organised all my hardcopy documents, I have gone through my company emails to ensure I remove those personal or P&C ones, and I have cleared off my stuff from my cubicle.

While doing all these, the memories of my 2 years here flashed across my mind. Indeed it's been a great 2 years. I have rekindled past friendships, and have built new ones... and I know these people would stay as my friends for a very long time to come. I will truly miss seeing them on a daily basis.

I will also miss my cubicle very much. Come to think of it, this is probably my most favourite cubicle or working space throughout my working life so far. It's so generous in space and pretty private too as the dividers are quite high up. You can scratch whatever there and no one would notice, hehehehe. However I do suspect that the chair is the cause of my constant stiff neck.

Here are the last looks of my cubicle, before and after packing:



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