Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Musée du Louvre

Musée du Louvre or the Louvre Museum is a national museum of France. I know from very long time ago that this is the home of Mona Lisa, and was enticed further by it after reading the book "The Da Vinci's Code".

So when I got to know about my Paris trip, I told myself that I must go to this museum.. and I did, on the same day that I stepped foot on Paris soil. It was the 1st Sunday of the month, and you know what that means? No entrance fees to most of the museums here! Yippee!!

I finally saw Mona Lisa and like what many people have already told me, the painting is small. With the distance allowed for viewing and the amount of people there, I did not manage to get a clear picture of it. So you won't be seeing this painting from my collages below.

Louvre Museum is sooooooooo huge. If you really enjoy art, you can easily spend the whole day here. Unfortunately I am not a very arty person... so after a few paintings and sculptures, I got a little bit bored. My colleague and I were there for about 4 hours starting from 9.00am opening time. I am pretty sure we have missed out many of the sections but well, we already got enough art for a day.

Anyhow, I love love love the pyramid.

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