Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pretty Ugly

I know when you do a nice thing for someone, you should not ask for anything in return... but I believe every decent human being should have the basic courtesy of saying "Thank you". I unfortunately get to meet 2 human beings that looked very well presented, but without any basic courtesy today.

What happened was I went toSummit Square for gym this afternoon, yeah... I should be rejoicing as going to gym is a very HUGE achievement for me. So after my gym session, I took the lift to B2 to put my bag and shoes into the car, after which I would walk around Summit Square to look for lunch.

After placing my bag and shoes in my car's boot, I headed back to the lift. As I was getting into it, I saw these 2 pretty girls walking from where their car was towards the same lift. They were from some distance away but wanting to be nice, I held the door and waited for them.

They walked in, continued to talk to each other and didn't even acknowledge that I was there, as if I was their freaking door man! I was so pissed. When the lift reached G floor, again I held the door and let them out first. They just walked out, not even looking at me.

I shook my head, went out and proceeded to look for my lunch.

People can be pretty on the outside, but with such bad manners... they are just pieces of shit!

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