Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Drip drip

As I was reaching my office this morning, my phone rang and upon seeing that the call was from my apartment's management, I actually panicked for a while. "Oh dear... did my apartment explode or something?", "Did they find out that I am keeping Axel (my pug) in my apartment?".

Upon answering the phone, I got to know that my downstairs neighbor complained to the management that the water from my toilet is leaking to their unit. Although this sounded better than the 2 other possibilities that I initially thought of, still it is not a good news... Then again, how many apartment's managements out there are actually the bearer of good news, right?

Anyway they wanted to come to my apartment to inspect my toilet to find out whether the problem is really on my side. As I won't be at home during office hours and they refused to work later than their office hours; we have agreed to get that done during the weekend. Well, that will give me enough time to clear Axel's smell from my apartment and to hide all his stuff. See la... that's the consequences of breaking rules (in Malaysia, we are not allowed to keep dogs in apartments or condos). Thank goodness Axel is still at his nanny's. Guess I probably need to leave him there longer while attending to this leaking mess.

Really hope the leakage is not from my unit... else there will be a big leakage in my pocket too. Sigh....

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