Monday, January 14, 2008

Sleepy Head

This week is training week for us. Our boss from Paris came here to introduce us a product which we will be helping in R&D.

I have always dread trainings, not because of how they are conducted... but rather because I am afraid I will be "fishing" in them. It's often embarrassing as it's not something that you can control and your eyes (also your conscience) just shut themselves down. So your head would be swaying left and right, up and down. Even worse when your dozing off was acknowledged publicly by the trainer!

I remember when I did my part time studies last time where classes were held from 6pm - 9pm. So after work, I would rush to my lectures only to end up sleeping through half the sessions. Come to think of it, there was never once which I was fully aware throughout the class. I have developed this pattern, you see...

However for today's training, miracle happened. I did not doze off even a tiny bit. You know what I did? When I felt like dozing off, I quickly scanned around the room to see those people who had fallen asleep. Looking at them tickled my funny bones and after a suppressed laugh, I was all awake again! If you have the same problem as me, try this method sometimes!

Well, another 4 days of training to go... see how long I can sustain...

Here's leaving you with a video of Axel, another sleepy head...

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